讲座题目:Duopoly Assortment Competition under the MNL Model: Simultaneous vs. Sequential
In this study, we investigate two different types of duopolistic competitive assortment problems under the multinomial logit model. We first extend prior work by introducing a more general competitive model incorporating common products under the multinomial logit model. For simultaneous assortment competition, we study the existence of pure-strategy Nash equilibria and fully characterize the structures of equilibrium outcomes. Specifically, we demonstrate the existence of an equilibrium that always Pareto-dominates others in the settings with both common and exclusive products. This equilibrium is efficiently computed using a carefully crafted iterative best response process.
For sequential assortment competition, we find that the subgame perfect Nash equilibrium leads to higher profitability for both the leader and the follower compared to the Pareto-dominant equilibrium in simultaneous assortment competition. Despite its profitability advantages, computing the subgame perfect Nash equilibrium for duopoly sequential assortment competition is NP-hard, even with only exclusive products. To address this hardness result, we propose a fully polynomial-time approximation scheme for problems involving both common and exclusive products. (Joint work with Kameng Nip)